Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hello, World!

So, remember that post I made on captivity-hrpg talking about how "Hello, World!" is traditionally the first code most starting programmers write and that the first post I made on captivity-hrpg is a poetic reference to that? I didn't really intended it, but it's apparently a running joke or some sort for me now since the first post I'm making on epochpoint-hassg is also titled "Hello, World!"

But this time, it's a bit less ironic because I picked up C# in like two days. It kinda sounds like I'm bragging, but trust me, it's not that impressive. I can't write for shit. The most I did is just watching tutorials and copying their code. I only learned the very bare minimum of C# so I could read what does what that allows me to modify stuff to suit my needs. That being said, while I don't intend to stop bitching about how much I hate programming and how nothing I write works, I do want to get better at it. Mostly so I could use the knowledge I learn from this project for Captivity.

Anyhow, things to show and talk about! I wrote my own camera script (mostly) and while it still requires some more fine tuning and polish, it's looking pretty good right now. Video in full 1080p goodness~

Now onto the important stuff. When am I going to release a playable build? A few Quite a lot of things before I can release one.

- Main menu
- Functional save system
- Gallery system
- Basic sounds
- Inventory system
- Crafting
- HP, Stamina & Arousal implementation
- Level generation
- Random resource spawns within level generation
- Idle animation
- Walk animation
- Run animation
- Dodge roll animation
- Pistol quick melee animation
- Pistol aim & shoot animation
- Pistol reload animation
- Knife light attack animation
- Knife heavy attack animation
- Knife block animation
- Medical gown outfit (layered on all these animations)
- Beastman + its various animations
- Carrier drone + its various animations
- Beastman h-scene animation
- Carrier drone h-scene animation

So as you can see, there's quite a lot of stuff before there's going to be an actual release. Mainly because I don't want to repeat the same mistake I did with Captivity in which I used lots of placeholders and now replacing them all is a pain in the ass. That's why I'm going to get all these stuff out of the way from the start. From the looks of it, it's going to take at the very least a month to get all these done. So sit tight! And I'll see you guys next post~

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